Stories and Pictures - Related Info - Notices
This page welcomes your recollections and memories of Jane and SH Ou. Please send your stories, pictures, or thoughts to, fax to 978-477-0074, or by postal service to:
Shukong Ou
4 Summit Avenue
Winchester, MA 01890
I will sort them and post your material as it comes in. Thank you for your contributions, and please pass on the word to others who may be interested in contributing their memories. Please let me know how best to contact you for further information.
Privacy Statement: I respect your privacy and will post only material that you wish. I will not post your names, email addresses, or phone numbers unless you tell me to. If something is posted on line and you wish to have it removed, please let me know as soon as possible, and I will remove it as soon as possible. Send an email to the above address, or send a fax to the above efax number for fastest response.